Concoction of your justification is no longer accepted, but hurtfully HORRENDOUS!!
..or the appendage between my legs will forever wonder if there will be a secret male handshake..

i never feel this bad before, im just sad, sad for a fact that things are not going the way i want. sometimes, i have to be firm and learn to "speak" up" but then again, "lecheng hiya yan kasi eh!" dapat i learn na the art of saying "NO" and "Yes" in the right time. hay buhay!
on the other hand, thankful ako dahil there are lots of people who are supporting me on the biggest challenge that my family will about to face--dad's major operation. he will be in st. luke's next week. and i will be on vacation since i need to take care of my dad during those times. no more time for blogging. but that is a-okay. why?? i will have lots of things to share by the time im baaack!
but for now, i leave you this..
"everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which GoD has established. the authorities that exist have been established by GoD" Romans 13:1

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