The attitude each of a person engendered has an impact on how that being will be judged by his peers. No matter how good you are to the eyes of many, sliver of the tiniest bad bone will be bring on the table for most of the time – no apparent reason at all. I’ve had so many encounters in the past that I wish I hadn’t but that is unavoidable. We are not born to please anybody but judgmental people will always have something to say just for the sake of keeping their depiction up to date.

Sad isn’t it? I don’t pretend who I’m not but rather show what the real me is all about. We have one shot to live, one life to spend and waste it on portraying something your not is like walking dead. Mask that you have to wear every single day is tiring. I know I’ve made such of inkling to those but I don’t care. Call me a b*tch, mean or rude – for all I care. It’s your call, your assessment and I don’t have the time to explain why I’m giving that notion to you. It’s how you take it. All these are subjective right? So, everyone is entitled to their little opinions towards others.

I will make Mr. Webster changed the spelling to Ms. Understood instead and every person I know who shares the same sentiment will be the happiest. No doubt about it. C’mon can someone in this planet forget to take a joke? I’m a serious person and I have room for jokes, too. Sensitivity has its own place in each situation. I guess too much appearance on our daily lives hurt. And that was observed for quite a long time now.

Integrity must be instilled on us. Nowadays, we are in race for survival that we purposely removed this from our systems. You will exchange your values for something that you think is really worth it? Did you ask yourself again if this is really worth it?

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