I’ve always been a fan of museums. Yes, you definitely find me boring with that statement. Lol! Seriously, I didn’t know what’s with galleries that I find interesting. Probably I like seeing different things and reading a brief history behind it.

Currently, I’m dying (yes I am!) to go to Mind Museum this time. I even remembered that when the famous Myth of the Human Body Exhibit was here for quite some time, I actually sent a text brigade to all my friends if they are interested to go with me and I got 2 letter answer from all these messages that I’d sent “NO” How sweet my friends are, don’t you agree? Lol!

I somehow expected it that they don’t want to see real bodies like as much as I badly want to see them. Now I’m not only boring but a complete weirdo as well. So I went there all by myself and after the tour, I was a happy panda.

This curiosity that I have needs to be filled-in or else I will forever wonder what’s there that I wasn’t able to find out. Research will not suffice unless I see it with my naked eyes. If in life we will not go for what we want, then definitely we will live with “what ifs” which I really, really hate and not a fan of it either.

Someday, I wish I will be able to visit MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art) in NY. Once more, New York, New York, New York. The city that I can’t get over with and I won’t stop unless I was able to set foot in this city. Live your dreams!

But for now, if there will be opportunities that I can visit nearby arts center, definitely I will go.

Here’s the Top 10 list that I hope to visit someday.

British Museum, London
Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Capitoline Museums, Rome
Acropolis Museum, Athens
American Museum of Natural History, New York
National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City
Smithsonian Institute, Washington
Australian Museum, Sydney
The National Museum of Syria, Damascus

the mind museum 

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