It’s officially Wednesday and it was 7 days after I celebrated my 29th year on this planet!

I could have written this on the day of my birthday but decided to write a few days after or at least I’m too lazy to come up with a topic or maybe, just maybe I’m just ready to admit publicly how old I am. Haha!

Little did I know, I will start writing 7 days after I got tons of greetings. Ehemp! What’s with 7 anyways? Too many had happened and yet my energy is still high to continue writing.

Despite the neck pain I’m having for almost 4 days now, I just shrugged it off and be resolute to finish this post. Acetaminophen doesn’t come handy so I might want to try Ibuprofen instead? Whatever – it’s not gonna work and would let me stop from doing this entry.

Lessons. Never ending lessons that life keeps on teaching me whether I like to accept it or not. I don’t consider myself old – for the record, yes I am considering myself young. I might be dressed like a boring office girl that would pass as 30ish, blame dress code. Haha!! But in reality, I can be seen wearing what high school girls wear daily such as sneakers, jeans and a cute tee. So much for excuses, huh?

But how does it feel to be 29 and yet single? Simple. I’m happy with no one to report to if an unexpected plan with my friends comes. I can call my parents to tell them where I’m going but someone to ask me to report the blow by blow event where and what I’m doing now? No thanks. I’m not like that. Don’t you trust me? I guess I know the answer then. Haha!


– you need to learn how to trust regardless how many times you were fooled. Liars exist and we must accept that fact. We are human but who wants to receive lies all the time? I guess – NONE.


- during the last months of my 28th year, I’ve learned that I need to talk to HiM more often. It’s like a one-on-one session in setting my goals in life; telling HiM what I’ve done that’s against HiS will and of course, create a plan that will help me not repeat the same mistake again. He listens, I swear. I mean, I’m not the type who will enter a convent but when my faith was tested – I got goose bumps how fast my prayers were answered. When I say "fast" I really mean FAST!!

Love for others

– I don’t know why I consider this one of my life’s greatest lesson but it’s factual. I love my friends, I may not be the perfect friend you wish to have but I take care of them as much as I can. They’re like my second family; it’s more of returning all the favor and love I got from them. When I’m so down, they were there for me. When I need a shoulder to cry on, may have offered. When me and my family had the hardest test of our lives – my friends were there for me. I was really surprised and thankful how many have come to be with me. Saying "Thank You" is not enough. Until now, I can’t believe how many real friends I have. I love you guys, you know that.

Here’s a post-birthday wish I have:

  • Good health for my loved ones especially my dad.
  • Patience to survive daily on the field I have chosen.
  • More years to spend with my family.
  • More crazy years to spend with my crazy friends.
  • A daily dose of leche flan (just the thought of it sounds like heaven to me)
  • Paris trip (it’s a birthday wish after all)
  • To love and be loved.

GoD, thank you for the 29 wonderful years I get to spend here on earth ☺☻☺

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