do you believe that everybody deserve a second chance? why?
i was about to log off from my computer since i want to go home early. a new message popped and it came from my ex-agent whom i consider as one of my good friend at work, batch mates kami eh :) question above was the exact message she have for me. and my answer was below:

it would really depends why we are giving that person a second a chance. we should ask ourselves, "do i deserve in giving a second chance?" sometimes, we need to weigh things for us to come up with the best solution ever. from there, risks are minimal and if we are sure of what we want to do, regardless if we are giving in or not; encapsulate it and start from there. i used to asked this question a hundred and one times last year, same month. "should i give him another chance?" then a lot of follow-up questions are popping--left and right. what if he will do it again? what if he will hurt me again? what if he didn't change? what if... and a thousand more what ifs. bravery--very subjective. but i guess we need to face whatever it may bring us, negative or positive. i remember last year that the chance he was asking was not given due to one reason--trust. it's really hard for me to regain what was lost and fix what was already broken into million pieces. i can't bring it back to what it used to look like 'originally' but then again, i was satisfied with what i did. i kept on praying over and over and asked for guidance and wisdom. He never failed me. He was there at my side giving me the knowledge i need. a year after, i know that every thing just fall into place. and i am happy with my decision. again, i'm NOT saying you to do exactly what i did a year ago. just be open to possibilities and look at all corners. don't hold on emotional baggage and keep hoping that things will work out fine without the remedy. communication is the key, Talk (read: capital T).

how about you? what are your thoughts about this?


  1. i believe that people do desrve second chances. but 3rd. no-oh. especially 4th. hehehe. db db db?

  2. Anonymous10/27/2007

    i believe in the saying that second chances are for fools.. it would really depend on the situation.

    if that person have hurt your friend more than twice, no more chances because it is too much. if you love the person so much, you will avoid things that will hurt the one you love. right?

    nice post. i agree with dorkzter. coming from a guy's point of view.

  3. hi there dorkzter. i really agree with you. ika nga karma strikes twice. nyay! mukang ang layo yata ng sagot ko.

    thank you sa comment!

    hi jaimie! thank you sa napaka well said na comment mo. i hope everything is okay now with my friend.
