at 20's, we are asking ourselves, am i on the right path to success? or simply asking "is this the right career?" this is the mid-life crisis that most of us encounters when we reach mid twenties. in a few months, i'll be 25 and i'm not yet satisfied with what i achieved. don't take it negatively, but i am contented with what i have. paradox isn't it? okay, let me simplify it.

when i was still a kid, i always dreamt of being a manager--i want to be the boss of my own company. all i have to do is sign, sign and sign tons of papers on my desk. phew! sounds tiring? another job i want before was to become a flight attendant. but i can't swim, and my height doesn't reach the limit. so where am i after dreaming?

QAA (quality assurance analyst). my source of income, this is what i do for a living. QA ako ng mga QAS. simple as that. i want something more, i want a job wherein i won't find stress. would that be possible? yes. i remember my answer on one of those interviews i went to this year. question was "call center is a stressful nature of work. how do you handle stress?" and my answer was this simple: "if you love your job, you simply don't find stress on it" with matching smile pa yan ha. i did get an offer but declined it. being in the same industry will do me no good. hay buhay..
i want to do something else kasi. maybe trying my luck to be a host? erk! a dancer perhaps? or a composer? in short, gusto ko sa music talaga. teaching the kids would be a different story. or maybe try my luck in the world of photography. but for now, i will just go with the flow.

there are times that i feel kinda old. my cousins, aunts and uncles were asking me one question every time they see me "do you have a boyfriend?" or "who is your boyfriend?" some of my male cousins would say "hala! you might be an old maid soon" waah.

why am i single at my age? am i that choosy? or simply because i'm not yet commital? whatever. i don't know either! but there are days that i want to be alone. maybe bo sanchez is right what he wrote on one of the pages of how to find your one true love that you can actually stay a year at the convent to think and test if you were meant to serve the LoRd.


image is from google.com
"sometimes we choose kung sino lang mga rereplyan natin..pero naiisip mo ba na pinipili din nila kung sino itetext nila? think about it"
"admit your mistakes..
.....before someone exaggerates the story..."
these messages came from my friends. they are forwarded sms. i agree about the first one and i'm guilty of this. i admit that i'm not into texting, unless it is important. but then again, i try to accomodate as many messages as i can :)
i find these two messages very educational. hay, why do we have to choose and learn to live what we have chosen. regardless the outcome is positive or not, take responsibility of it. we know right from the very start what would be the consequences and yet, we continue on what we believe is right. learning from our own mistake will make us a better person. in everyday life, we choose. this is the most common action that we do. we choose___
  • what to eat
  • where to eat
  • what to wear
  • who will be our circle of friends
and a whole lot more!
but with the use of mobile phones, especially the ones with camera comes with great responsibility. we can use this to take pictures for a certain landmark in parking lot. when we are about to leave, it would be a lot easier to locate where you parked your car. if you are lost in the city of jungles, then take a pic and send it to your friends so they can rescue you. or take a photo of your new haircut, you will never know if this will be your new "pa-uso". take pictures of your wardrobe, you never can tell when this will be Über useful to lift your mood :)


  1. Anonymous11/22/2007

    i agree with the first text message u received. tma nga naman we choose.

  2. Anonymous11/23/2007

    this is a very nonsense question, what is your cellphone model unit? im curious. thank you

  3. Anonymous11/23/2007

    hi ate lexi! hope everything will be okay now. just continue praying.


  4. Anonymous11/23/2007

    are u insane? convent?


  5. Anonymous11/23/2007

    hello pretty girl, i don't know how did i end up on this site. but to tell you the truth, you can serve GOD in aanother way. like, help charities..


  6. Anonymous11/23/2007

    madre? ikaw? hot sister!!
