happy new year from apique family!!!

bye bye 2008! hello 2009!

are you excited to see what's in store for you this year of the ox? will you get to travel to your dream destination? or another promotion is cooking for you? a new car to start the year with so much speed to go up north? hmm.. let's unfold it! :p

this year has been tough for me. i've gained lessons that made my maturity level increased, became more stronger, value even more the real gift of friendship that i have, met people who made me a better person, fierce when needed, heighten my self-control (which saved me so many times from too much trouble--please do not get me wrong on this okay?), took precautions to avoid someone from getting hurt, lessen my intake of caffeine and concentrate more on iron rich food, learn to take care of myself so i will not get sick or what.

but it's not all happiness--due to unfortunate events, there were losses too. to name a few: the habit of biting my nails (finally!), impulsive in decision making, thinking too much, trusting easily, and being close with people who always think of themselves as gods.

gift of friendship--i love the fact that i got so many gifts this christmas season. i experienced what is 12-days-of-christmas-song is all about. wherein everyday there was a gift given to someone, right? i got cologne, oil blotter, incense, candle, hand sanitizer, cookies, cardigan, jade plant, scarf, cd, headbands, cp/id holder, bag, herbal for dad and a watch. huwoow! that is more than 12. but the best is the real friends i have. i was so surprised to know that i am a rich girl because of you my dear friends! you made me feel accompanied in times of need that i almost give up. you have shown me that i can fight a battle with a lot of soldiers who want the same goal that i want--victory. to my beloved friends: i love you all! mmmwwwwaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!
knowledge--i am thankful that i was given an opportunity to be a part of ccm course (call center management training). admittedly speaking, i used to be a very bad agent, really bad. i don't take my scheduled breaks and follow when i want to be on break, i am late for a number of times, too; caught surfing yahoo during avail, using my phone on the floor, wearing flippies (which is so hard to stop), engaging myself on heated discussions with a customer who thinks that i don't know what i'm doing. for god's sake! even eyes close, i can program your phone or explain your bill effortlessy. yikes! sounds yabang, but these were all true and i am not proud of my days as an agent. after finishing the course, i fully understand now why a minute matters a lot. even half a second can make your company lose money! now, i try my best to be a good example to my peeps by applying what i've learned. kala niyo i want to influence people to be irate agents. haha!! here is a picture of me studying for finals.


taking a break from class
and the math is part of the module--80%?
these occupied my bag for quite a number of days..

and this year is full of quotable quotes from yours truly:
  • "i affect their lives, they don't affect mine" - from pex
  • "life is not a checkered shade of sunshine" - over a cup of coffee
  • "it wouldn't hurt to check your emails regularly" - at work, playing safe :)
  • "you wouldn't know how much you have grown until you accept the fact that you grew." - eastwood
  • "i'm the baddest person you ever encounter. try messing up with me" - text
  • "i collect shoes and shades, not boys" - text
  • "no matter how much we earn or title we have, we are all equal employees." - over a cup of coffee.
  • "the pasta is good, it's just that it's oily--so it's not good at all." - dinner with a friend in eastwood.
  • "i'd never wanted someone as much as i have wanted you." - email
  • "it's hard to be with you even for 5 minutes." - text
  • "if she is a friend, then she could've been careful not to say those things to you."
  • "owing it to one side of the boat will make it sink." - text
  • "true friends are hard to find, and if you find them, don't let go of them unless they let go of you." - blog
hope i made this year-end post worth reading. hehe

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/15/2009

    it is indeed worth reading, just so you know.
