my parents just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. i'm proud daughter that my dad and mom reached this far and we're wishing for more years to come.
if i can go back down the memory lane, i would have wanted to watch how this beautiful couple grow. i kinda know how their love story goes. we grew up listening to my dad's stories and i'm impressed of his memory! now i know where i get that skill.

dad is from davao and my mom is from la union. as the common reaction goes "wow! dulo sa dulo ah!" so how did the love birds meet? simple. my dad was at my mom's town and that's how they met. their love blossom indeed and they were blessed with 4 beautiful children. with such distance, they are really meant for each other.

as the only girl in the family, i had my fair share of mom's stories. these stories were not just your plain-afternoon-boring-story to pass time and was told a million times so you can fall asleep during [afternoon] nap time. no. these were stories that taught me some lessons in life. i guess, being open with my parents is the best decision i've had growing up. mom knows who were my high school crush was and even called my attention if the guy is around.
every morning, while dad is having breakfast with mom, he will tell me stories on how was i as a kid. if he has a magic wand, he will bring my 3 brothers back to their toddler years but not me. that gave me the idea how much headache i brought to them when i was growing up and somehow made me feel guilty. sorry for being the family's rascal back then. haha!

i've always admire the main man in my life -- my dad. he took care of his family gingerly and no words can express how much thankful i am. 

having them as my parents is more than blessed and lucky combined. we were raised as responsible and stand for what we think is right. values they instilled in us will be forever cherished.

i always ask for their guidance on whatever i do. sometimes, i ask myself if i will be a good parent to my future children [someday] and be the granny that every grand children wish. their parenting skills is something i want to acquire in the future.

my mom and dad

the sweetest message ever :)


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