Life is too short to waste on things that we will regret sooner or later.

Someone asked me “Why it is easy for you to say sorry even if it’s not your fault?” and “Why do you forgive easily despite what they did to you?”

No one in this world never had a fight with someone; whether it will be a close friend, relative or even a family member. A point in our lifetime, we did exchange words causing a barrier between two worlds.

I am a happy loser. If I had a fight with somebody [which seldom happens] I want to fix it right away. Admit if you are wrong and say sorry. If you are not to be blamed and yet the person still doesn’t want to admit it, too. Then put the white flag down and own it up to you unless you are okay with that and owning it doesn’t make the boat sink, then you did the right thing.

Having a fight for days, weeks, months or even years is a total waste of time. *Knock on wood* what if you met an accident and died or it’s the other way around? You weren’t able to patch things up. Or on a lighter mood which I prefer rather than the morbid one the days passed without you guys being okay is such a waste that you could’ve made memories. If you and your bestfriend always hang out after school then 5 days passed and you wasted that for nothing.

Someone I know who is a young father to his 2 wonderful little kids died in a blink of an eye. Yesterday he was all jolly and happy and the next morning, shocking news was spreading real fast. We are not friends, probably more of colleague. But don’t get me wrong, it’s more than the usual “Hi boss!” or “Good morning ma’am”  kind of thing. We are “Nodding Buddies” too. I did get a chance to talk to him one time when I noticed how pretty his little girl is. Yes, I love kids and we can talk the whole day about them. That’s the first and last conversation we had.

I feel sad, even though I don’t know anything about him aside from the fact that he is a father of 2 and he’s in his late 30’s; other than that, no more information.

Life is indeed short. We can be all laughing today and be gone by tomorrow. No one knows when we will be going home and be with our Father.

Let’s use our time here on earth wisely. If this is the currency of life then we need to keep in mind that sagaciously spending it will make us richer and it will get us a long way.

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