Shame on me that I was not able to post an entry for Mother and Father’s Day which totally put all the culpability on me because I am that crazy kind of person who has been recently resurrected from the bowels of after-life or was it I was actually running into a cul-de-sac?

Regardless of the excuse(s) I have for not writing then I take this time to make up for the super late entry then. Oh nobody reads this outlet so why bother? (Warning: to all you grammar police, please be kind for this meaty and lengthy post will definitely bring mutilation to your brain)

I’m proud to say that I am blessed with parents like my Mom and Dad. Not because we are filthy rich or our roots are from a well-known family who have actually took part in invading some provinces out of 7,001 islands that we called our home. We came from a simple family of 6 which makes us 4 beautiful-awesome-wonderful children. (O walang kokontra, blog ko ‘to so my rules apply. Hehe) I have 3 brothers creating the fact that I’m the unica hija and that being said, yours truly is the victim of the villains which doesn’t do much but to bully me. Akala niyo ba pag nag iisang babae eh prinsesa? Pwes mali yan, di totoo yan! Haha! Since I’m the second child, that makes me an Ate to 2 little kiddos, yes pati bunso eh ako ang paboritong asarin. Palibhasa I’m the shortest and yes, guilty as charged that now I’m reaping the upshot of not making the most of my siesta time during childhood days. Hay nakuuuu!

Until this day, yes my dear brothers still make fun of me and now I’m really used to it. Being so much accustomed to it made me mortified that my deepest darkest secret was revealed to my friends thus calling me with my household moniker that I pinkie swear kills me big time. But I love my family and I just shrug it off, after all I’m just laughing how bad that nickname sounds ☺

My crazy bone was generally from my parents, though nobody wants to admit if it was my Dad or my Mom who was the bearer, lol. Seriously, both my parents are lighthearted. They can find the reason to laugh to any given situation. Maybe that’s how they love each other much; they already know how [as a team] they will deal each circumstance that requires detailed action after thorough thinking. I look up to them and someday, they are my “peg couple” I didn’t think they have mentors either, none from the stories my parents told me that they always talk to their ninong and ninang. I was just betting that it’s more of communication, letting your partner win an argument, and so on and so forth.

Definitely, not now that I can write a hefty list that will serve as a guideline unless I get to drink coffee first which is very impossible (since I’m abstaining from any caffeinated drink in the next 3 days) then I can try and based it on my experience, my friends’ experience. But for now, this will focus mainly how my parents show that Love is Perfectly Imperfect.

Don’t get me wrong, they had their fair share of fights too. But never in an instance had the plates or vases or whatever flown during the heated convo, none. *clap clap* We never heard them call each other’s names or probably cussed but none, too. *another clap clap* I don’t know how but one thing I’m sure of is that they RESPECT their partner. Honestly, I don’t get to hear my parents say “bad words” or lied perhaps. It will be pretty awkward since they taught us that if we will do any of those, God will get angry with us. So we obeyed and believed and I thank my parents that they instilled that to us.

My father was a strong guy. Not that he’s all muscles with crevices and six-pack daddy-o but he was strong because of his faith. Most of his years, he sacrificed it working overseas. I remember that during my high school days, my principal knows me that much. Yes, she always asks someone to call me right in the middle of a class discussion and oh boy! A postcard is waiting for me!! Dad is full of surprises, and what was written on the card? Nah, I’m guessing what you’re thinking is “Wish you were here princess…” nope, but it was full of encouragement that someday I will reach those places if I will study hard. Dad, I’m already 30 and I just had travels within Asia. I’m rooting to go for Europe, Australia and US soon! Haha! Kidding of course, wink wink.

He is the most important man in my life and no doubt that he will always be loved by his only daughter until we meet again in His time. I couldn’t ask for more, he was a good provider, a loving husband, and a father that protects his kids no matter what happen. I’ll always be a Daddy’s girl (please make these tears stop from flowing because I look like an idiot typing while crying) no matter how old I am. I never grew up in his eyes, until his remaining days, he sees me as his little princess. I badly miss how he greets me with a kiss, how he holds my hand and hugs me whenever I’m hurting. An instance that killed me was during those times while we were at St. Luke’s and my mom stepped outside to buy food for us. My Dad called me and told me, “Hawakan mo Mae yung kamay ko, I need human warmth” right off the bat, I was crying and he said “Sheesh, ayan ka naman. Huwag ka nga umiyak, magdasal tayo” so I was holding his hands and while he was praying, I can’t help but cry. How strong my father was! Never, as in NEVER in an instance he showed fear, but he was fully entrusting everything to God. He was praying for strength not just for him but for us, guidance from our daily travels (home to hospital and vice versa), comfort and to trust Him more. God, I badly miss my Dad so much but I know he’s with you now and I’m glad that there's no more pain, no more suffering - just eternal bliss. I knew he served his purpose more than enough. How he touched other people’s lives, how faith manifested on him. When people look to him, they see You in my Dad.

Mother Goose as I fondly call my Mom and Dad calls her Sweetheart. At first glance, she might look snobbish or mataray but definitely not! She is crazy like me too! (told you guys, both my parents are crazy it’s just that nobody wants to admit). Wonder woman giving up her career so she can take care of us. I don’t know where she gets all the energy to wake up early, cooks our breakfast and bring us to school before. My classmates back then call her Mama na, Papa pa. Many times I have asked her, how did you do all these? It was all hard work to raise 4 kids especially with 3 rascals and sad to say, I am one of the rascals. Haha! She was pretty strict I’m telling you but with the right mix of leniency, too. I love my Mom and I will say I’m Mama’s girl as well. Growing up treating her like my big sister helped a lot. She knew a lot about me, who was my crush and she gives advices too. I remember one time (yes and this was this year only) while I was packing my stuff and she was pretty bothered because I am all quiet which they find abnormal. For the reason that when I got home from work, I won’t stop blabbing about how my day was. They love me so much leaving them with no choice but to listen to me or they have just earplugs on which are invisible? Hmmm. Anyways, going back. She asked why and I told her everything, she even told me that my decision was wrong. I jokingly answered her “Bakit siya ang kinakampihan mo Ma? Ako yung anak mo kaya dito” and that cue her that I’m all back to my insane self once more. Hallelujah!

What I love about her? Her instincts; I always blog this and previous posts will tell you how much I’m lucky to have them as my parents. During those times that I’m hurting and I’m on the verge of quitting, she will just hug me and while sobbing at her, she will tell me nothing. She will let me cry it all out, no words but I feel a lot better everytime she do that. I dunno what’s with moms that whenever they do that, we regain the strength we once lost and we’re pretty much back in shape again. I guess, it’s innate to them that mothers have this healing power, don’t you agree?

She sacrificed a lot, she had been through a lot and that what makes her of who she is now. I will always have high respect for my parents. With the undying love they are uninterruptedly giving us, no one can beat that.

Even the world is against us, even people see us worst, no matter how hurtful or judgmental our peers may get. Still, we are assured that our parents will always see the goodness in us.

Have you wonder why? Because this is how Love is Perfectly Imperfect that no matter how ugly at times we get, in their eyes they will always see the beauty behind that imperfections.

To cap this post, I appreciate that my friends say that we are a model family. Somehow similar to those whom you see on national television. Truthfully, we are not and we had our flaws too, and I guess nobody is perfect either. But with the love of my parents and God being on the center, I think all the decisions they had once made that is for the betterment of our family. 

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