A classic literature by O Henry once used this technique. It’s a teaching technique which sums up as “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. It is more of believing in that certain sign you have asked for. I, myself was not much of a fan that “signs” are given as guide if we are deciding over or was about to do something. Because, if it is meant to happen then so be it. I remember once my good old professor way back in college taught me “To convey the message clearly to your audience, make sure you use the right words that describe your feelings. Your real feelings at that very moment that you want to set free from your heart.” Heedlessly how long it has been said, still it definitely etched in my brain. That professor whom I have high respect for will always be the mentor I’ll forever be thankful for.

It is more of getting attached to a symbol. That’s what story of The Last Leaf is all about which I applied on my paper back in college. At first, I don’t get what my university teacher told me, at least on the method she’s trying to tell me to apply at least. Honestly, I was lost for words like seriously combing all the books on the library just to help me understand what will make my paper get the grade it deserve. Damn. This will make me earn my degree and I cannot afford to mess with it without this technique-that-I-can’t-seem-to-understand-at-all is nowhere to be found. Oh good Lord, where on earth can I find this book to better understand it? Deadline for submission is near, yet I’m still cramming and on the verge of losing hope that my paper will not be the best from my class which I was hoping to get and keep that prestige until the semester is over.

Symbol, fate, belief. Why would you let this control over you? Didn’t you know that brain and heart will never be at par? Yes, brain is put on top of our head to govern everything under it. But have you thought that sometimes following your heart desires will give you peace of mind? That if you follow it, your brain will be at peace giving you quiet nights? Sometimes, it’s more of carefully choosing which one is greater than the other. Weighing things, sifting prudently on all the outcomes and encapsulate what is the best of the best that you have come up with. After all, this is your life. Get full accountability of it or else you will be forever asking “what if?” and if that happens, how long will you endure the uncomfortable emotion it gives?

We boxed ourselves sometimes making us dependent on our peers, which we are unaware that we are limiting the chance of hanging out with different groups that we have. May it be your colleagues, classmates or friends from previous companies? I’m not condemning those who are like that. But happiness and joy are two different things. Happiness is born in the mind and Joy is born in the heart. Now the verdict is all yours and I leave with that question for you to answer:

Are you happy or is that joy youre feeling within? 

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