ONE | I don’t know how to ride a bike – I’ve got scars on both knees trying to learn it but until now, I really can’t do it.

TWO | I love cake – My favorite flavor of cake is MORE. #corny But seriously, my weakness is seeing a cake and not letting a moment passed without eating it.

THREE | I drink Papaya shake but I don’t eat Papaya – Weird but I don’t like the texture of Papaya and its smell.

FOUR | I love HUGS – Yes, I’m a hugger! I love giving and getting hugs especially if I missed the person. Hugs, hugs!

FIVE | I don’t get mad – It’s bad that I don’t let it out but yeah, I still find humor if I’m about to explode. I just keep quiet if I’m really, really angry and will just need to breathe in-breathe out for 30 minutes and I’m back to normal.

SIX | I’m 5’2 – Oh noh! Mortified and now you all know how short I am. Honestly, I always tell that I’m 5 feet 4 inches tall haha! Now you know what my #TopLie is heehee.

SEVEN | OC – My obsessive compulsive disorder is on its maximum height. Like everything I see that is not in proper order, I will try to arrange it and I can’t stand a mess.

EIGHT | I don’t like chips – Yes, I don’t eat chips since I was a kid.

NINE | I drum my fingers a lot when I’m thinking – I dunno but it just so happen.

TEN | I can’t whistle – Such a frustration that in the past 30 years, I still haven’t learned how to do it.

*Entry for September 4 | 177 days to go* || Oooops! It's a little past midnight but this is for September 4 :) 

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