Eating buttered corn or corn in a cob is one of the many hobbies I have. Yes, I am a foodie and I almost eat everything and it seems that I have said this numerous times since I started this blog.

I don’t blog about my work but this time, I somehow inspired by my co-workers that I always hang out with during break times. As you all know, most of them, well actually ALL of them are boys and since hanging with the barakos will somehow make me less of a womanlike (not by actions but by words). So throwing punch lines, jokes during our free time (to de-stress) is one habit we keep doing over and over and yours truly is guilty as charged that (1) they have no choice but to hear my “knock-knock” jokes (2) accept that I’m crazy and lastly, (3) I do Boy Tondo moves regardless where I am if my sanity drops below zero then I’m dead. And oh wait! Thanks to the cutie patootie Ryza Mae for inspiring me to mimic her dance moves, too.  

All these have to put the blame on eating “corn” recently. Yes, you read that right C-O-R-N. This is the culprit for making me “cornier and cornier” every single day! Oh ha?! Walang kokontra sa ka baduyan ng mga jokes kong waley.

But I have come across this article which made me think twice if I will still eat corns or I’ll stop.

Then the verdict is all up to you guys! But for me, I guess the effect was becoming crazier rather than fatter which it says on the article

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