It’s really heartbreaking to see all these photos from the net. Still, we are lucky (to those who are mostly in the Luzon and Mindanao area) that yes, we are somehow affected with the gusty weekend but aren’t we are so blessed that we are all safe and dry while Yolanda is letting our fellow countrymen feel how bad of a typhoon she is?

To my Twitter followers who took time to send me a twit and DMed me, thaaaaank you very much! Thanks for the sweet thought guys! I'm all well and I'm in Manila so I am still blessed by the fact that we are far from Visayas though we experienced drizzling with gusty winds last Saturday.

I remember what was written in the tithes envelope of VCF which is a Bible passage worth sharing: “God loves a cheerful giver” from 2 Corinthians 9:7. Indeed true and yet we are more than lucky, we are actually so, so blessed that we can share a portion of this to our kababayans.

Exactly 2 weeks ago, I was lusting over this Charles & Keith bag which took me almost 45 minutes at the store if I will buy it or not. I’m a kuripot person but there are some instances that I want to spend on something that is really worth it. I don’t know what’s with the bag that I cannot actually let go of, yet I was praying if I will buy it or not. My Mom and my brother got really tired of my indecisiveness so they chose to sit on the couch while smirking at me. Truthfully, the bag is on SALE (magic word for kuripot people like me!) yet I cannot decide on the spot if I will get it or not. So after 45 minutes was wasted, I walked out of the store empty handed yet with a happy heart. It has always been my habit to “Pray before you Pay” and it worked this time. But up until now, I can’t get the bag out of my mind, it was love at first sight :)

So why I’m talking about a bag as opposed to getting back to the topic of this post? Simple. Prayers do wonders, and with a not so small amount I get to save from not buying the bag, then it can be used to a much, much fruitful way. We buy stuff that we don’t really need right? This is the right time to give something to those who really need a blessing by this time. Many were affected but with the current blessing that we have, this is God’s way of telling us to hand out this blessing to those who really need it – and those people are our dear kababayans affected by Yolanda. Bangon Pinoy! 

In line with this, I'd like to invite those who are also doing garage sale yearly. Let's do it as a bigger event to raise more funds to help those families that need our support especially it's Christmas season again. 

Glad that Lily sent me an email this morning on how we can help. I'm sharing the photo so please feel free to join, too! :) the more people serving and helping, the merrier :) 

Taken from CBS News:
Please note this is not an exhaustive list, and CBS News does not explicitly endorse any of the aid organizations listed below. This list is merely provided as a reference point for those considering donating to relief efforts.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. They are sending teams to assist in the Philippines.
 Their website is here.

Doctors Without Borders works in nearly 70 countries providing medical aid to those most in need regardless of their race, religion, or political affiliation.
 Their website is here.

The International Committee of the Red Cross, established in 1863, works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people affected by conflict and armed violence and to promote the laws that protect victims of war. It also provides assistance during natural disasters, and the Philippines Red Cross has already sprung into action to assist families in reconnecting.
Their website is here.

The International Medical Corps’ Emergency Response Fund is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. They are gathering teams to send to the Philippines.
Their website is here.

Save The Children supports children and families around the world affected by disaster. They are currently preparing to assist in the Philippines.
 Their website is here.

The United Nations’ Childrens’ Fund (UNICEF) is currently rushing relief supplies to the region, and says up to four million children could be affected by the disaster.
 Their website is here.

Mercy Corps is deploying some of their most seasoned emergency responders and will be working with partners on the ground to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of survivors. In the wake of one of the strongest storms in recorded history, families desperately need food, water, shelter and other basic supplies.
Their website is here.

Finally, before you donate either your time or money, please be aware that there are always scammers looking to profit on disasters. If you find an organization you are thinking of giving money to, check their credentials at theCharity Navigator (http://www.charitynavigator.org/), which evaluates the financial health and efficiency of more than 5,500 organizations.

Photos from RapplerABCIBtimes. Info from CBS News, CNN, ABSCBN news, GMA Network.


  1. Anonymous11/14/2013

    That's so unselfish you madam. Keep helping and we are inspired by your positivity in all aspect. God bless!!!!!!!!!

  2. mikaela11/14/2013

    so humble, so galing! buti na lang di ka nag padala sa pag bili nung bag, im sure mahal yun pero still you pray before buying. magamit nga yan "pray before you pay" mantra.
