Starting this post with a high note; my personal list of non-negotiable qualities on my view of what husband material should be like. Yes, feel na feel ko ang list ko kaya single pa rin ako until now. Bwahahaha!! Kidding aside, like any girls out there, I also went through tough pruning process for me to understand my value and worth why God calls me His Princess; I am complete and lacking nothing - waiting only makes it a lot sweeter.
1. Joyfully Single (2 Cor 6:14)
It's heartending to hear someone says "Basta may 5 out of 10 sa list, pwede na yan! Liligawan ko na siya at gusto ko na mag-asawa." If this is how he thinks, then he is a compromiser. He is not happy with his single status, if he always compromise on things it means only one thing - he's bad in making decisions. If a guy is confident that he is loved and accepted by no less than Creator of the Universe, he is secure and sure of his identity with Jesus in every season of his life.
2. Sticks to His Standards (Phil 4:8)
Some of the comments I've heard (not too long ago) "Ang mga sisters naman kasi ang taas ng standards! Gusto yata Pastor eh. Makapag-hanap na nga lang ng girl outside church." Just hearing the thought of this makes me want to stamp him right away on his forehead with a BIG X mark and gave him a plaque for being the best candidate for Ditch the Dude award, hehehehe. Once and for all, a confident man simply knows where he stands in the foundation of Jesus whom he sees as a consummate example of excellence, therefore setting for second best will never be an option for him. A guy who will never compromise with his standards is not only attractive but surely lives up the word "man up"
3. Communicator (Prov 29:20)
"Good morning sexy! Musta poh keoz?" BOOM! You did surely get my attention but lost the opportunity from receiving a reply from me ever, like forever hahaha! Some guys know how to be sweet and I admire them for that. But please, please, please do NOT start a conversation like that and sound like a jejemon in an instant, hihi. I'm not saying this is bad but I appreciate (actually most girls will) someone who has a date and communication plan including the examination of the tone and manner on his text and chat messages. 
4. A Fighter (Rom 13:14)
With the generation that we're currently living in, it calls for more men who will stand and fight for purity and will not just go with what the culture is now teaching or telling us. This man should stand out, not blend in. In addition to that, this man should know how to guard and fight for a woman's heart. How is he whenever we are together? Is he with his phone or with me? Does he checks his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook account non-stop? Is he openly flirting with other girls, too? Sorry dear, but if he does then he will surely have an affair whenever we got married. Marriage is a great magnifier of what we have become, not of who can we become. So I think it is wise to choose a guy who's committed to be pure today so he can be rewarded of intimacy tomorrow.
5. Stable (Psa 62:2)
The last thing on earth I want to happen is marry someone who is moody, volatile and bipolar. Eeerp! Dependable and stable on his emotions should be one of his characteristics. A man who is not easily shaken are fitting assets of a potential husband. It is unavoidable that times of testing and breaking will surely come, so his attitude towards adversity will speak volume about his faith. And speaking of stable, he will not dilly dally in saving up. This man should realize that he is a provider of every sense of the word and should work both with his mind and hands.
6. A Student of the Word (Josh 1:8)
Real man only got bible as the final authority in his life. A devoted member of his ministry, a reputable small group leader, an active church member can surely score points, but at the end of the day, he should have fruits to back it up. I dig for characters because that is the true metrics of what he is made of and what he is inside.
7. Invests in Himself (1 Cor 6:19-20)
Someone who knows how to invest both physically and intellectually - hands down to you. Don't get me wrong, all of us should go for character but I'm a firm believer that someone who keeps himself intellectually stimulating and nice looking always gets the edge. Amen??? Amen!!!! Attractiveness is somewhat I believe in, that you already have within you; it's how you can do about with what you already have. So it ain't cool walking like a forty were in fact you're only thirty. I'm giving 10 macho-gwapito points for a guy who aims to develop a healthy lifestyle change. Someone who takes a proper skin care regimen or involve himself in sports, or takes time to jog/run and a well-dressed one and the same. Why not? Our body is bought at a high price and it is just right to go the extra mile in making and feeling good.
8. A Man of Prayer and Purpose (1 Chron 16:11)
If there is anything that we need to do on purpose, it should be praying; and being prayerful is no accident at all. One simple application: Does this guy knows how to lead a prayer? Because if not, then I assume he's not radical with his relationship with Jesus. With this being said, if he can't talk to me about Jesus, he won't be able to talk about Jesus with our future children.
9. A Leader and Disciple in One (Acts 6:1-4)
Major red flag for me is poor leadership. Speaking of this area, this is when he slacks off in his life as a disciple, too. How's his relationship with other people? Is he committed in obeying the word? How's his quiet time? If there are two simple inseparable things for me, it is leadership and discipleship. They always come together. As someone who will call the shots, it's extremely important to deeply know whose leadership will I follow. This guy should be passionate about authority and responsibility by following the leadership of One and Only Person that matters: Jesus.
10. Who Identifies Himself with Jesus (1 Cor 11:3)
If a guy finally gets to muster the courage to ask me out, here's one great bold question to ask on a first date "Do you love Jesus? How did you meet Him?" Well, it is indeed straightforward to ask but he surely needs to know that Jesus is the Middle Man in my life and The One in the middle of my marriage. Simply put, it makes no sense to waste time with someone who doesn't have the same goal.
At sa dami ng mga nasabi ko, here's one thing every man should know: A godly woman is worth the pursuit! Sure, a high standard life is ain't easy that's why there's a daily dose of His grace in order to make it possible (thank God for that). And at the end of the day, our faithful, loving, pro-marriage God NEVER fails to reward obedience.


  1. Anonymous9/05/2014

    you are insipiring.

  2. hi! i saw you at metro east one time, tawa ka ng tawa haha!

    1. Naku matakot ka pag mag-isa lang ako tumatawa. Hehe. Say hi next time ha?

  3. Anonymous9/14/2014

    ang ganda mo pala. nakita kita sa cinema ng malapitan

  4. sa tuwing nakikita kita, madalas naka tawa ka or naka smile ka. nakaka aliw ka naman!

  5. Anonymous9/14/2014

    gusto ko to! - celena
