After I had written something about lordship, evangelism, leadership, discipleship and family, the last one is the hardest to let my thoughts be composed for writing. It's really special to write about your family (regardless how many times I've written something about them) they are the foundation of what you have become. The 5 topics above opened my mind even more to continue feeding the hunger I have inside. The eagerness to study, study and study more. Willingness to learn from each and every chance you have, the chance you cannot let pass like that easily and be put into waste. It may be hard to fight and backslide, but the grip you have is your only hope not to regress but push yourself forward.

Choosing one from two good things is the hardest among the tests of faith that a Christian may face in his lifetime. Probably in my humble opinion, that is my take on it. Discerning is not an easy one especially if both are good for you. What will be your pointers that the other will be the BEST option to make? What if you are wrong in making a decision, can you still go back to the other one? These may be a few of the questions that will run in your brain, and I myself doesn't have the faintest clue as to when my decision making skills will be put into good use. First, that is pretty challenging as to what you do in your job, when you need to decide on some things, then there is always a back-up plan on the loose to mitigate the risk. If it didn't turn out well, you have the chance to make it right -- there is always Plan B or up to Plan Z (if you want to use all the letters in the alphabet, then so be it). In the real world, I'm not sure if that is even possible. How many choices will you have given on that situation, for example?

If you are the typical person who can let go of anything easily, I'm having a virtual shake hands with you right now. Congratulations because you don't need to experience tribulation in any kind should you say "goodbye" any moment. The memories, the moments shared together plays a big role in any decision making skills involved.

Say you willl leave your company wherein you've gained lots of good friends. For sure, they matters in your conclusion before you give your final verdict if you will go or no. How come sweet moments spent with important people not akin at all to us always occupy a space in our hearts? Yes, that's how reality goes and admit it or not, you get my whole point.

Moving along on this road that was travelled much continuously may give you the security that you think you need. However, if time comes that you don't want to continue the journey on the road and wants a re-route, what will you do? Should you turn left if everyone else is heading towards right, making you leave the pack? Again, think-reflect-decide.

Erasing what had happened to you is impossible and thus, it will be more of an inkling in coming up with when is your judgment day. Formation of your thoughts, on how to say it, when to say it, etc. matters and you just can't help but think if you will still have the strength to break the news. Breaking the news is like breaking the hearts of people involve and now your mind will be split into two, the other part will tell you "Don't say it. Definitely, it's a word vomit for sure that will open doors for misunderstanding and probably losing more as opposed to supposedly gaining something out of your honesty sweety."

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