On Forgiveness

Holding a GRUDGE, harboring BITTERNESS, having a hard time FORGIVING? Reflect on the following passages:

“…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.”
1 Timothy 1:15
“…Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Colossians 3:13
“It is when we realize that we are no better off than the other person, that we are not more righteous and yet Christ died to forgive us of our sins, that is when find His grace to forgive others.

Popular thought espouses that the key to forgiveness is thinking that we are above the other person and that he/she is so beneath us that we should just forgive him or her. This actually produces arrogance, pride and self-righteousness.

Forgiveness comes by realizing that we are not above him or her but that we are in exactly the same boat, that we ourselves have sinned and are flawed in many ways. We owe God a bigger debt and yet in Christ He forgave us. This grace transforms our hearts so that we are able to forgive.

Forgiving others does not come by focusing on the wrong done to us and then mustering the goodness in our hearts to forgive. We don’t really have it. It comes by focusing on our own debt and God’s love and grace in forgiving us.

On Healing

Did you know that the Bible says “By his wounds,” meaning Jesus’ wounds, we are healed? (1 Peter 2:24) And that the Bible also reminds us that one of God’s benefits is that he “heals all your diseases?” (Psalm 103:2-3) Isn’t that amazing? I kept claiming complete healing while repeatedly saying these verses in my head. In faith, I claimed complete healing, and praise God that is what really happened!


My God, teach me that I have
always somewhere to go to,
that I have a home where I can
be accepted for who I am no
matter what I have done.

My God, may I remember that
love is not an obligation, but the
highest privilege and gift you
have bestowed upon us.

Lord, teach me that my prayers
can only be answered after the
big pause of letting go.

Renew my spirit when the
morning breaks and let me look
forward to a day of blessing and
of peace.

My God, there are so many
things to do and I feel
overwhelmed. I pray for the right
perspective and a calm
disposition that I may do all
things with the right attitude at
the right time.

Lord, I have but a bread and a
fish, I do not have much but I
offer all I have to you. I know
that with your blessings, my
efforts will yield a thousandfold
more than I could ever bring
forth alone.

Protect my heart against anger,
let it not blind my mind nor ruin
the melodic vibrations of my

Let me be a blessing to all whom
I shall meet today, may they see
in me your love, your sincerity
and your generosity.

God, even if just for today, let
me put my TRUST in you. I know
my faith is weak, but let this
little faith be strengthened that
I may take your hand again and

Compilations of what I've read for this week.

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