What happens when you girls see each other again after months? I bet it'll be ceaseless blah-blah-blah covering all the girly things you can actually think of. I'll leave that to your imagination for me to help you save time reading my list should I be writing each one of items down - yes, you are most welcome :)

Lovelife - the never ending topic that always, always make it to the table of [a group of] people talking.  There is no solid definition of this word, or probably it may not even appear in a free dictionary at all. Scouting and combing the net may give you the idea or somehow the best nearest meaning it can produce which is "habits or activities and relationships centering in the feelings/affections you may have for someone" Again, this is just based on what trusty Google hits gave me.

Feelings, there will always the involvement of emotions regardless of what you need to do in your life. Even in making decisions over simple things such as: what food to eat for lunch, what shade of lipstick to wear, which pair of shoes goes best with your outfit, should I send a response now to this text that just came in, etc.
Let me give you a sneak-peek on how it was done our way. Well, similar to others but the only difference is we take each other's point of view and give our unsolicited pieces of advice in a roundtable set-up. Everybody has their own chance for their two cents worth be heard one after the other.  
This caught my attention, an excerpt from one of the hundreds (or even a thousand) convo that we had.

Girl1: You don't deserve him, he has a lot of issues.
Girl2: I know he will be fine, because he works his relationship with Jesus.
If a guy you like may not be that stable, then don't fret. Though I clearly stated in my previous post that being stable is one of the top 10 qualities I look for, as long as he's serious in working on his relationship with Jesus, then he's automatically hitting 2 birds with one stone. Being stable (Psalm 62:2) and being a man of prayer and purpose (1 Chronicles 16:101). A stone was powerful in the hands of David since this is his tool which killed Goliath. And a guy who wants to work his relationship with Jesus has a BIG God same with David.
Side story time! A pastor once gave his advice to a girl who has been single due to her busy career. She's a doctor, an OB-Gyne and therefore no time to go out and meet potential boyfriend. The guy from church (who was in a relationship that time) whom they both know was the pastor's choice for her. She's hesistant and that's given, eventually the guy and his girlfriend broke up and he pursued her (doctor). Now they are happily married with 3 beautiful children. The pastor probably see the potential in them that maybe, just maybe they may click and voila! They did :)

Don't underestimate the power of God. Let Him do His works for you. We may lose people along the way, long-term relationship that suddenly ended or dating that didn't push through. Regardless what caused it for it not to work, don't be sad. He will always wants the best for you, so chill and enjoy your singlehood.
Would you rather go for a guy that is not stable with his feelings? Someone who is just selfish that's why he wants to date because he is bored of his single life of (let's say) 3 monhts? C'mon! No one wants to be on the rebound, so think ladies - THINK.
On a lighter note, if you think that he is a potential guy, then go with the flow. Regardless of his past, that is already in the past. What matters is he's working on his present to prepare for the future he chose to have - a future with Jesus. We always have a spotless future and let's use our present wisely to make sure we will not go back to what we have turn our backs from.

To all the SINGLE ladies and gents out there, let me pray for you.

I pray that God will continue to bless your hearts with purity and kindness as you wait for His time to meet your Second One. May Jesus' be the center of your focus now as you work deeply your relationship with Him. That person He prepares for you may be someone you already met or haven't yet but you both have the will to always fight for tempation and be reminded to do things that will only be pleasing to the Lord. As you wait for the right time, may this single life you have now bless you the fire to enjoy the Gift of Singleness as you further enjoy your Gift of Celibacy for now. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

...and yes, this is how our typical night life looks like :)

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